Is There Any Natural Remedy for Insomnia?

By William Wallace

If you have trouble sleeping, like other 20% of the Americans, either not being able to fall asleep, or waking up prematurely and being unable to get back to sleep, than you should probably listen to some of the things recommended by different people. Some of them are experts in this field, having even a PhD; others are just insomnia sufferers who tested some suggestions and found out that in their case it worked. In any case, experiment and stick to what may work for you. The following sleeping tips are compiled from various sources.

* The bed should be used only for sleeping, and not for other activities, like reading, working, watching TV and so on.

* If you've tried to get asleep and you weren't able, you've just laid down on your bad try the classical sheep counting or not the less classical backwards counting (for example from 100, or you may increase the number) in order to stop your mind from thinking on the problems you had the previous day or problems that are in front of you.

* Breathe deeply for awhile, using the diaphragm.

* You can view in your mind some nice and peaceful place.

* Read something very boring.

* Following a set bedtime program is important for a healthy sleep.

* Stick to a set bedtime hour, and don't change it. Around 10 pm is a good time.

* Don't use caffeinated beverages before sleeping (and we are not speaking only about coffee, but also about any other caffeine rich drink, a black tea or Coca Cola, for example) and stay away from smoking (that is good advice for anybody, with or without insomnia problems).

* The use of alcohol right before going to bed will not give a refreshing sleep; you may wake up during the night.

* Don't take any nap throughout the day, unless you are exhausted.

* It is a good habit to wake up at the same hour, no matter if it is a weekday or weekend.

* Exercise daily using aerobic exercises, but don't exercise just before going to sleep.

* Put an illuminated clock, if you are using one, in a place where you can't see it.

* It is preferable to use a firm mattress, and not a soft one, as it will give you a better position for the muscles, refresh the air and keep a lower temperature, not very high.

* Try using a drink before bedtime: some milk, warmed, or a lime tea. Onions eaten at night are good.

* You can also use a good massage.

* Listen good, relaxing music.

* Earplugs are a good idea if you have a noisy environment.

* Don't watch stimulating television shows late at night and don't read stimulating books.

If you still can't get rid of the insomnia, maybe it is good to check with your doctor to eliminate other possible health problem (such as depression, anxiety, hyperthyroidism, heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Additionally, there is another solution to beat insomnia, as many people have experienced it, one that is natural, doesn't create dependency and gives you rapid results. - 30196

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